Shredder Pack Sound Clips

Sound clips taken from the Shredder Pack: Metal Drum Loops Demo 1 – 133 BPM Metal Drum Loops Demo 2 – 148 BPM Metal Drum Loops Demo 3 – 84 BPM Metal Drum Loops Demo 4 – 120 BPM Metal Drum Loops Demo 5 – 132 BPM Metal Drum Loops Demo 6...

Are you a Shredder?

Are you a shredder? A shredder is an instrumentalist (most of the time a guitarist) who possesses superb technical skills and likes to show it. Things associated with shredders are for example Ibanez guitars, harmonic minor and diminished scales played at greased...

Zappa Plays Zappa Review

Dweezil Zappa & Co, Nov 12 Stockholm, Sweden This was the fourth time I saw Zappa Plays Zappa, and my expectations were through the roof as the show has gotten even better each time. The first time I saw them Dweezil really impressed me by not simply copying his...

[VIDEO] Magnus Plays a Samba Jam

This is a short video of Magnus playing a groovy samba-type jam. Would you like to see a full Latin drum loop pack in the future? Leave a comment below the post and let us know! Sambajam

Free Jazz Drum Loops

Download Free Jazz Drum Loops here Yes that’s right, we are giving away a couple of groovy, swingy, jammy… uuuhh… jazzy drum loops for free. There’s no need to opt in or anything, we wanna keep this open and available for everyone....