Fill Pack Update

Hi, Per here with a quick note about the [intlink id=”51″ type=”page”]Fill Pack[/intlink]. We have a couple of sound clips up to showcase just a tiny portion of the content in the fill pack. The finished product will contain over 900 fills in...

OddNews November 2009

It’s autumn here in Stockholm and just a moment ago I could swear I heard the leaves falling from the trees outside in a 5/8 rhythm. Which probably means that I should take a break from editing drum grooves right now. Anyway, here comes the November edition of...

FourFour Pack Released

We have had LOTS of requests for more common style grooves by people who love Magnus Brandell’s drumming but aren’t quite ready for the odd stuff yet. As a result, a new OddGrooves pack with a collection of over 1500 4/4 drum loops, has been released. Get...

Basic & Advanced Updated

The [intlink id=”37″ type=”page”]Basic[/intlink] and [intlink id=”35″ type=”page”]Advanced[/intlink] packs are now updated with more groove variations, extra material and a few fixes. The good news for you is that the...