by Per Ulfhielm | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, Free drum grooves, Uncategorized
16th note shuffle funk, a style that we like to refer to as Bumpy, and is a type of groove you frequently hear from artists such as Stevie Wonder and James Brown, but also Toto, Sting and Peter Gabriel. Magnus got the inspiration from Vinnie Colaiuta, Per Lindvall,...
by Per Ulfhielm | Dec 7, 2019 | Blog, Free drum grooves, Uncategorized
Our MIDI drum jams are 32-bar drum groove that you can use as a starting point for a tune, practise other instruments to or simply play along with, whether you are a guitarist, keyboard player, bassist, songwriter or whatever. Just like all of our grooves, our free...
by Per Ulfhielm | May 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
Do yourself a favor and check out this big band version of Mihai Sorohan’s excellent track Splash, on which Magnus plays drums. This is a pretty good example of wha you get when you hire Magnus for a custom drum...
by Per Ulfhielm | Feb 22, 2019 | Blog, Free drum grooves, Uncategorized
Isn’t it time we did something jazzy? Of course it is! We have a brand new JAZZ WALTZ pack coming up, and you can listen to two sound clips using the Soundcloud player right next to this text. The first one is Toots Thielemans’ classic Bluesette, performed...
by Per Ulfhielm | Oct 24, 2018 | Blog, Free drum grooves, Uncategorized
Here’s a bunch of funky MIDI drum grooves inspired by neo-soul and hip hop, and artists such as D’Angelo and Erykah Badu. Listen to our short demo tracks below and then click the big, ugly yellow button that says “Download” to get your hands on...